Weight Management

PRE APPOINTMENT consultation

This is an important medical questionaire before your medical consultation.
Please answer all questions honestly. Your doctor will discuss the answers with you during your consultation.
Do you suffer from any heart problems?*
Do you suffer from any thyroid problems? (Grave's disease, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid)*
Have you or any immediate family member ever been diagnosed with thyroid cancer?*
Have you ever had pancreatitis? *
Have you ever had any liver probelms? *
Have you ever had any eye probelms? *
Have you ever had any gastrointestinal probelms? *
Do you have diabetes?*
Have you ever had any mental health problems?*
Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder?*
Do you have any known allergies?*
Are you currently taking any weight loss medications? (wegovy, ozepmic, mounjaro, saxenda)*
Do you smoke?
I confirm that I have answered all questions truthfully - I understand that providing misleading or false information about my health can be a criminal offence. I confirm that if my medical circumstances change I will inform my doctor. I confirm that this treatment is for my use only. I understand that it is at my doctor's discretion to start medical treatment and that this can be stopped at any time if medically indicated. I understand that the information I provided in this submission will be held securely in my medical record at The Stockbridge Clinic. *
© 2025 The Stockbridge Clinic (Face Clinic Medical Ltd)